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Goldman Sachs in League With the Commies

March 2012

Dear Watchers

Goldman Sachs in League With the Commies

by David Camp

Does anyone doubt that the coal dump project will lower property values in Bellingham? How could it not with fourteen two-mile long coal trains blaring through town daily for fifteen minutes each? Why should we pay this price to profit carpetbaggers like Goldman Sachs? Worse, to profit Goldman Sachs as they sell our strategic coal reserves to Communist China. And what do we get? A few jobs hewing wood and drawing water for the Commies. Very generous of our traitorous Wall Street “friends” as they aid and abet the enemy.

Consider Dr. Schiller’s exposition on page 1 of the half-truths and outright deceptions the proponents of this execrable project spew forth to mislead and confuse us. Who are they serving but the father of all lies? “Thou shalt not bear false witness” is a rule they apparently consider a laughable suggestion, something for the rubes.

Which is what they consider us — rubes to be exploited for maximum profit before they leave town with the loot, leaving us to bear the costs without compensation. This is the predatory M.O. of the Goldman Sachs cartel and their affiliated mountebanks, hucksters, and bribed liars in government.

“The love of money is the root of all evil.” And we should keep these money-grubbing evildoers out of our green county. This much we can do — control the ground. The confederation of cartels that form the federal government (the Department of Goldman Sachs, the Department of Monsanto, the Department of Phizer/Eli Lilly, the Department if Boeing/General Dynamics, and so on) is unreachable and unaccountable, at least to us poor citizens.

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